Sunday 22 February 2009

living by faith

Firstly, I just LOVE my pyjamas and spent all morning in them they are so darn amazing!
I cooked today, a dish that is fast becoming my signature dish actually, spicy beef with jacket potato and vegetables. It was gooooooood.

Then it was on to church, was a wee bit nervous but it was all good. I shared on sharing time and had a grin from ear to ear as I spoke about what God was and is doing in my life.
Warren delivered an awesome sermon about walking and living by faith making comparisons between Thomas and Abraham in the Bible where Thomas has head faith (he needed to see to believe) and Abraham had heart faith (he believed without seeing). Was really good and I made loads of notes. And that word came up again... Obedience. We went into a time of worship where God asked me to be obedient in something and I was.....eventually!! But it really was a turning point for me in that obedience and is quite a landmark (for details..message me)

Then, I am ashamed to say, i gorged myself with a kebab! good times!!

Anyhoo, take care of you!

Saturday 21 February 2009

Well well well...

Ok so it didin't quite work out that I wrote on here everyday did it?!?
Oh well..I'm here now.

So the past few days have been great!!! I had a real breakthrough at "house" group on Wednesday night and have been really good since. (for anyone who wants details on this, message me)

I went to a prayer night at Jackie's on Thursday and my oh my, you put 14 women in a room together and it just gets silly! good times indeed lol. But also a lot of prayer and worship occured.
Had pancakes for breakfast yesterday and loads of lovely healthy fruit mmmmmmmm was delish!

Babysat for lewis today, was loverly and was happy to help the lovely Robyn.
I am seriously knakkered though after the events of this week, but I am fiiiiiine now which is the main thing.

So... honesty time.. grams of chocolate consumed this week = close to 1kg !!!! lol

ah well...

take care of you

Wednesday 18 February 2009

And so I shall begin...

Well a very warm welcome to anyone who is interested in the whole random charade that is my life. I will endeavour to blog every day so you all can see what's going on.

so, today is so far a very unproductive day, still in the depths of the depression I find it hard to motivate myself to do anything at all. Feelings of anxiety and general overwhelmingness confine me to my room. But it is all about little baby steps and I do get a tiny bit better day by day.
I got my laptop back today! Fixed and ready to use which is great, I have missed it so... AND none of my files had to be deleted which is a double bonus along with it still being under warranty (just!)
I think I am goin to set myself a few targets for today and then report tomorrow on how well I did with them (or not!)
  1. Have a shower
  2. Make bed
  3. Eat something
  4. Do some of my weekly journal
  5. Make it to house group

So, this will be it for my first post I think, take care of you!

Loves and Hugs

P.S. LAMININ - woah!